Commit to You
No longer is it proper protocol to simply say "Happy New Year"; it's hard to believe that the first month of 2024 is already drawing to a close. The echoes of holiday cheer and respite feel like a distant memory, yet the essence of gratitude and hope continues to resonate within us. As we turn the page on the calendar, stepping into the unknown of what the new year holds, there lie blank pages awaiting our exploration of the journey ahead.
One of my favorite rituals is crafting a letter of commitment to myself—a "love letter" of sorts—where I delve into the passions that stir my soul, whether they manifest in the bonds I forge, the fulfillment I seek in my pursuits, or the meaningful contributions I aspire to make to the world. As I tune into my heart, shutting out distractions and writing without constraints, the words flow freely, guided by boundless love. Each moment in 2024 presents an opportunity to infuse our lives with purpose, with our hearts, free from ego, serving as our compass as we navigate the uncharted waters ahead.
Through our shared moments of writing and reading, we've formed a community. Won't you join me in penning a commitment letter to yourself? I believe that vulnerability is key to unlocking so much, which is why I'm eager to share a snippet of my own commitment letter to help inspire you:
Dear Me,
I commit to doing my best, reflecting daily, and granting myself grace for the less-than-great moments. How can I improve? I commit to celebrating all wins—big and small—with fervor. I commit to contributing to the world in a way that resonates with my heart, engaging in difficult conversations to drive change. I commit to coloring outside the lines, to refusing to play small—I have much to offer and receive. I commit to it all with an open heart. None of this is easy in this world, but my heart serves as my guide. I am supported by the universe to do my part.
I commit to loving all that I am and reveling in the uniqueness of being me. There's no competition—just an ongoing journey of human evolution. I commit to new experiences, growth, and contributions. I'll keep this list close as a reminder—each item resonates deeply within my soul… I must make time to nurture these new endeavors.
I commit to being present, boundless, and refusing to let time slip away. I commit to living fully because nothing is guaranteed.
In this phase of transition, the lingering warmth serves as a guiding light, urging us to explore the untapped reservoirs of joy and purpose that await. I’m excited to journey on with you this year, friend. It is my hope that this year is everything you desire and more.