Embracing curiosity
Do you ever sit back and wonder…where did the time go? Life has a way of whisking us into the mad dash. Last week I looked up and the leaves were turning and the weather was shifting. Before I knew it, fall was at my doorstep. I had to think, where did the time go? Over the last few months what did I do that was new or different? Was I present in my day to day or letting the flurry of life take precedent.
Reflection has always been one of my favorite tools. I take every opportunity to use it to see my patterns (the good and the bad), to recenter myself, and to acknowledge what parts of me I have underinvested in.
I spent some time thinking about the year so far. I realized that I had neglected my curiosity. My focus on getting things done took me away from looking up and approaching the world with awe in new ways. In turn, other areas of my life weren’t as fulfilled as they could be due to the failure to invest in this part of myself. Rather than relish the beauty and sometimes the unknown of expansiveness, I became habitually constricted. I decided to refocus my attention on the gift of exploration as fall approaches.
Having access to everything I could want to explore is one of the benefits of living in New York. A stroll through neighborhoods, from art galleries to parks, can be an adventure in itself. It is beautiful how being curious and seeking out opportunities to learn can be accomplished in small bursts.
During a picnic in Central Park with a friend the other weekend we met a park recreation guide who showed us the difference between the park's fountains. Despite having walked past these fountains numerous times, we were able to see the stark differences and learn more about their purpose this time. He explained everything from the construction's design for the birds to the preservation of no chemicals to his personal connection to the work. I was energized by his passion and depth of knowledge. It ignited the question – what else have I truly not seen?
My weekends are typically spent working on Mission & Movement, completing unfinished corporate work, or preparing for the week ahead. My lists can be long and seem never-ending at times (I'm sure you can relate). There is always something to do but I’ve decided to carve out time for awe. Last week, a friend of mine invited me to an art exhibit at Pace. There were three thousand lights blinking to your heart and the music changed with your pulse. It was absolutely amazing.
In this world, there are so many opportunities to learn and grow. Everyday I am blown away by the beauty and rewards the world has to offer. You don't need to go big, just start small and you'll start to see the wonder that exists around you.