Love is a Daily Decision to put Kindness First

Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, now hold and release that breath. Let your shoulders drop, relax your tongue, and soften your gaze. You are doing great. 

As we move toward re-entry as a nation, I am reminded how vital it is for us to lead with love. We’ve all navigated our own journeys over the last year. While each experience has been different, it’s important to realize our responsibility to one another throughout this evolution. 

Place your hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths. Try your best to tune into your emotions. Now, take a moment to reflect on who you were before the pandemic began? Think about who you are now? If you are having trouble getting started, try using the heart prompts below to begin your reflection: 

  1. How do you currently define love?  

  2. How do you apply love?

  3. How does love show up in your life right now?

Love is a daily decision to put kindness first.

Love should be simple and pure. There are a variety of ways that you can practice love in every action. Love can look like supporting your team by empowering them to take a mindfulness day. Or setting up a coffee chat to check in with a friend you haven’t connected with in awhile. Take a step back and reflect on where you can add more love throughout your life. 

You can spread love in Kisii, Kenya. The Mission and Movement team is launching a campaign there dedicated to building and sustaining a secondary school that will change the lives of so many in the community, young and old. With a focus on empowering young girls, this secondary school will accommodate 300 students and provide female-only dormitory housing as a valuable investment in girls education and leadership. To learn more about how you can support this initiative, please visit,

Thank you for reading and supporting the Mission and Movement global community. If this resonated with you, share this with a friend and invite them to join the movement. Transformation is more powerful with someone you love.

With Heart,

Cheryl Pipia

Cheryl Pipia